October 1, 2012

Programming note

You might notice the reviews fluctuate a bit in form and content.  I am experimenting with styles, length and intent in some of them.  I think I am more and more realizing that I'm not much interested in a "quick review so you know whether to buy the story" kind of site, because there are millions of those already littering the internet.  I think I'm more interested in simply writing essays about the stories to pick apart the themes, form and plot and glean what I can from it and  maybe give it an overall thumbs up or thumbs down.  And, as always, to practice my writing.  Although, having said that, I have an idea for a multi-part review/synopsis of one of the career of one of the most influential TV creators of my youth:  Glen Larson, of Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers fame (among many others).  So that might happen.

All of which is to say, still sorting some format issues out.  Contents may continue to settle.